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Java For Beginners
Unit One
Lesson 1: System setup (6:14)
Lesson 2: Classes, variables, main method and print statement (12:24)
Lesson 3: Comments (2:04)
Lesson 4: Packages (7:02)
Lesson 5: The constructor (4:37)
Unit Two
Lesson 1: Primitive data types (7:12)
Lesson 2: Reference data types (6:22)
Lesson 3: Variable scope (5:33)
Lesson 4: Operators (13:01)
Lesson 5: Statements (21:08)
Lesson 6: Enums (5:18)
Unit Three
Lesson 1: Loops (14:26)
Lesson 2: Strings (16:28)
Lesson 3: Immutable objects (4:06)
Lesson 4: Arrays (11:00)
Lesson 5: ArrayList (16:57)
Lesson 6: Lambdas (3:50)
Lesson 7: Date & time (20:32)
Unit Four
Lesson 1: Method structure (1:35)
Lesson 2: Access modifiers (10:51)
Lesson 3: Specifiers (4:37)
Lesson 4: Method overloading (5:44)
Lesson 5: Varargs (7:50)
Lesson 6: Multiple Constructors (12:11)
Unit Five
Lesson 1: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) (2:32)
Lesson 2: Encapsulation (4:58)
Lesson 3: Inheritance (24:25)
Lesson 4: Polymorphism (5:27)
Lesson 5: Abstraction (8:07)
Lesson 6: Interfaces (9:19)
Unit Six
Lesson 1: Exceptions (2:52)
Lesson 2: Throw & throws (2:58)
Lesson 3: Try & catch (6:44)
Lesson 4: Finally (2:37)
Lesson 5: Catching multiple exceptions (6:01)
Lesson 6: Errors (3:12)
Unit Seven
Milestone project (56:04)
Debugging (21:32)
Intro to Git and GitHub (18:16)
Interview question 1: Reverse a string (6:58)
Interview question 2: Fizz buzz (7:25)
Interview question 3: Palindrone (3:59)
Interview question 4: Fibonacci sequence (4:07)
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Lesson 6: Enums
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